
Since i love adventures so much it seems fitting my bio resembles a choose-your-own-adventure novel…

We begin first with a super duper condensed summary for those who prefer SparkNotes, followed by a picture story for those who aren’t big fans of reading. Finally, we end with a long-winded tale for those who want to know every last detail.

So choose your own path & get to know me as much or as little as you would like!


SparkNotes: short version

If you want the short & sweet without reading all the deets, I can quickly be summarized as a nannyographer (nanny part-time, photographer all-the-time) who runs on a whole lot of Jesus, adventures, puns & photography! At any given moment you will hear me talk about any and/or all of these things. You have been warned.


facts & Favs: picture version


Already convinced that we will be great friends? Sweeeeeet!! Drop me a line and share some of your favorites with me.


Keep scrolling if you are here for my mini novel!
Or need further convincing that we could be awesome adventure buddies.


Mini Novel: long version

I’m currently living that nannyographer (nanny part time, photographer all the time) life here in North Carolina and loving every minute!! I am often found in both roles climbing on playgrounds, wearing a goofy face, making up silly songs & guest-starring in imaginary worlds. It is also rumored that I possess nanny magic according to the children. Who am I to contest that adorably profound insight?!

Safe to say that I am no stranger to the extra chaos, love & laughter these young humans bring into our world. I absolutely love connecting & engaging with children -and adults too- through play. It is what we do best! Their sense of wonder never ceases to amaze me.

I firmly believe that adventure is more than trips to far-off places; adventuring is a mindset! When you meet me it doesn’t take long to realize I seek to infuse adventure into the every day, ordinary routines. Anything has the potential to be an adventure. A trip to the grocery store, playing at the park, even taking family photos! *wink wink*

My adventures continue even when I don’t have tiny humans shadowing me. These adventures usually contain any combination of the following: rock climbing, swing dancing, hammock camping, kayaks, sunsets, good food, singing & puns. Always lots of puns!

And I would be remiss to not talk about the most important aspect of my life: God. He is at the core of everything I am & everything I do. Apart from the Lord I would not be the woman I am today. My life would look dramatically different without His patient guidance.  I strive to allow every aspect of my to life reflect the grace & love He continues to extend to me. 

Because of this, I have a habit of adopting people into my family. Once you are my people, you are my people for life! No matter where life takes us you will always have me cheering you on. So think carefully before asking me to be your photographer because you might just get stuck with me for life!

Phew!! You made it through all of that & are still with me?! But enough about me already!


Now it’s your turn!

Tell me what inspires your family to adventure.

Special traditions? Secret hideouts?
Favorite adventure spots?
